There will be a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on Monday, June 18th beginning at 8:15am (tomorrow) in the Learning Commons for all the parent volunteers who helped out in the classroom, volunteered their time and expertise, shared their lived experiences, and helped supervise the swimming program and winter electives this year. Your support throughout the year is so greatly appreciated.
Fosnot Filming
We are very excited to welcome Dr. Cathy Fosnot back into our classroom community. Dr. Fosnot will be working with our classroom and will be filming the math learning on Data Representation and Analysis over the next few days. There are a few students who have not returned the consent form(s). If you have not already done so, please make sure to submit the forms by tomorrow. Below is a photograph that captures the math investigation last week.Literacy
Reading: We have been working on studying characters deeply over the past few weeks with our mentor text Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. Students have been investigating patterns that reveal deeper motivations and articulate theory-based evidence. The Grade 3s will also learn how these text-based theories are important when coming up with predictions as they follow their character on a journey, consider the big lessons that characters learn, and how these lessons relate to the larger message a story conveys. This will help with the development of three important reading skills: inference, synthesis, and prediction.Writing: Students have been working on gathering and supporting bold and brave opinions in their persuasive speeches. They have been learning to look at the problems in their world that need to be addressed and imagine solutions on how it could be better. The Grade 3s are also working on writing quick persuasive speeches and coached on applying and extending essential opinion writing skills.
Visual Arts
We visited the community pond last week to observe all the environmental changes and to draw some still life landscapes. It's amazing to see how much life has flourished since our last visit (several months ago). Look at all the wonder!