It's been a busy and really exciting week at school. Have a look at some of the learning and celebrations that was captured.
In science, students have been busy working on their inventions that uses a force(s) to make it move. The grade 3s completed their projects and showcased their creativity and problem-solving skills. Some of the inventions included a crane that picks up objects through magnetic forces and a pulley system, a catapult using direct pulling forces, a water park that uses gravity, friction and a pushing force, and a boat that uses buoyancy and magnetic forces to move.
Plants and Soils
We have also been monitoring and tracking the stages of growth of our wheat and soybean plants. Students have considered the factors which contributed to the growth of the plants. They are also learning about the importance of plants as sources of oxygen, food, and shelter, and the need for humans to protect plants and their habitats.
The Grade 3s are also connecting their learning to the impact of human activity on plants and their habitats and the impact of plants and their habitats on human activity from our Social Studies unit on Living and Working in Ontario as well as to our previous unit on Early Communities in Canada.
We discovered that the pumpkin seeds that had not decomposed in our garden has started to sprouted again!
Our classroom gardener will continue to ensure that one of our wheat plants will be submerged under water while leaving the other wheat plant to dry out.
We have also been learning how soil is alive and composed of a variety of living and non-living things. Students learned how there are different kinds of soils, unique characteristics of these kinds of soils, and conditions of each type. Last week we conducted a class experiment where students put different kinds of soils into a glass jar and topped it off with water. Students will be amazed to see the results next week once the different kinds of soils settle. Stay tuned to see the results.
Expert Expo
A BIG thank you to everyone who was able to come out to our author celebration! Students worked so hard on the process of writing about their passions. Sharing their published books with friends and families was a great way to honour and celebrate their successes.
Just a reminder that there will be a test for multiplication and division tomorrow.
Last week we were investigating a string of related multiplication questions. These were all done through mental math. While students explained their thinking, I made their thinking visible using an open array model to show others how they figured it out. Look carefully to follow their thinking. It is quite sophisticated and amazing!