Monday, 30 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Return signed portfolio.
3. Return cursive writing book
4. Scholastic book fair all week.

Please note the library will be closed this week for a book exchange due to the Scholastic Book Fair.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Return signed portfolio on Monday.
3. Cursive writing letter E
4. Scholastic book fair next week.

Hansen Palooza

Volunteers are greatly needed for the Hansen Palooza. If you're able to come out and help support this event, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes with a focus on following a character's journey across the story.
2. Math worksheet due tomorrow.
3. Scholastic orders due tomorrow.
4. Toonie for Autism.
5. Return signed portfolio.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read for 30 minutes.
2. Autism walk in the community tomorrow.

Word Study

There will be no spelling this week. I am conducting assessments in order to modify the program to meet individual areas of needs. 

Monday, 23 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read to self 30 minutes. Focus will be on following a character's journey across the story.
2. Return signed portfolio.
3. Scholastic due Friday.

Friday, 20 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Math due Monday.
3. Scholastic due Monday.
4. Return signed portfolio.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Bring in jars.
3. Spelling test Friday.
4. Scholastic due Monday.


We jump started our next unit in Science on Plants and Soil. Yesterday students learned how to begin the process of planting seeds in some peat pellets. We also took this opportunity to co-create the procedure. Over the next few weeks, we will be watering and observing our bell peppers and cherry tomatoes grow. 

Day 1 of planting bell peppers and cherry tomato mix.

Social Studies

In our current unit on Living and Working in Ontario, we are learning about the three different landform regions we have here in Ontario, and investigating the natural features of the environment influence land use and the type of employment that is available in a region (e.g., mining, forestry, manufacturing, agriculture, etc).

*This website has many links to information and videos about Ontario's land form regions and industries

Monday, 16 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Library tomorrow.
3. Bring in 2 glass jars.
4. Spelling test on Friday.

We will be wrapping up time by mid-week. Although this was a relatively short unit, we have been working on time in our Morning Brainwork since September. In lieu of a unit test, I will be conducting interviews with students.

Students in Grade Three are reviewing telling time to the hour, half, quarter after and quarter to, as well as learning how to tell time to 5 minute intervals.

Later in the week, we will begin our unit on transformation geometry and continue to make references to fractional names (e.g., quarter turn, half turn, three quarter turn).

Friday, 13 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Bring in 2 glass jars.
3. Cursive writing due Monday.
4. Poetry due Monday.
5. Props and costume due Wednesday.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Spelling due.
3. Math due.
4. Bring in 2 glass jars for science experiments.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Wear Pink tomorrow.
3. Bring 2 jars for science experiments.
4. Spelling activities due Friday.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Library book exchange tomorrow.
3. Spelling activities due Friday.
4. Return signed portfolios.
5. Return cursive writing books.
6. Bring in 2 glass jars labelled with your name.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read for 30 minutes. Refer to reading homework sheet.
2. Spelling activities due Monday.
3. Data Management math test on Monday.
4. Return signed portfolios.
5. Cursive writing for the letter 'Bb'.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 20-30 minutes.
2. Return signed math worksheet.
3. Return portfolio.
4. Spelling activity.
5. Scholastic due Friday.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 20-30 minutes.
2. Return signed portfolio.
3. Spelling activity.
4. Math workbook pages 106 to 109 due Monday.
5. Scholastic order due Friday.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Read 20-30 minutes. Set a reading goal and make a plan to achieve reading goal.
2. Return signed portfolio.
3. Complete spelling activities for Monday and Tuesday.
4. Walk to school Wednesday.