Visit from Elder Dillen
It was a privilege having Elder Dillen, Ojibwe, Bear Clan, from Serpent River First Nation and her daughter Dakota Dillen-Toulousse Gary (Mrs.Gary), Ojibwe, Bear Clan, from Serpent River First Nation share some of their traditional indigenous knowledges and practices about Ojibwe culture with our class and our Board's entire First Nations, Metis and Inuit Education Team.
The Grade 3 students had an opportunity to participate in a smudging ceremony, sampled cedar tea, learned about traditional sacred medicines, their uses, and examined tobacco that is 3000 years old! As part of their learning, children made their own tobacco ties. One of the highlights of the day was when Elder Dillen and one of our Board's Indigenous Education Consultant Andrew McConnell, Ojibwe, Crane Clan from Nipissing drum whilst Mrs.Gary danced in her Jingle Dress.
The Grade 3 students had an opportunity to participate in a smudging ceremony, sampled cedar tea, learned about traditional sacred medicines, their uses, and examined tobacco that is 3000 years old! As part of their learning, children made their own tobacco ties. One of the highlights of the day was when Elder Dillen and one of our Board's Indigenous Education Consultant Andrew McConnell, Ojibwe, Crane Clan from Nipissing drum whilst Mrs.Gary danced in her Jingle Dress.

A study guide to assist with preparing for the multiplication test went home this evening. Please look out for it. Our unit test will be administered next Friday.
The marked unit test for Time and Money also went home in students' portfolios this evening. Please ensure that you go through the test with your child including the notes and feedback. Remember to sign it and please ensure the test is returned on Monday.
In math, we will be wrapping up and reviewing our unit in multiplication. The photograph below demonstrates one of the math strings from earlier this week. The numerous strategies and approaches in calculating these equations were developed by the children independently. All of these computations were achieved through mental math and demonstrates some of the deeper understanding of numbers and mathematics. Students are building upon what they know to solve what they don't know. The strings of related problems are carefully crafted to support children explore the relationships among numbers and designed to guide students toward computational fluency with whole number multiplication and to build automaticity with multiplication facts by focusing on relationships.
A really fun website to support math skills through games are found on:
You can also access the link below for multiplication games:
You can also access the link below for multiplication games:
In reading we have been looking at ways that non-fiction readers read texts. Students have been learning and practising how to read expository texts, grasp main ideas, find supporting details, and summarizing important information. They are also learning how to take jot notes from their research books to find helpful information to support their writing.
In writing, students have been learning how to look at various organizational structures to help them make sense of what they are reading and to transfer these skills in their own writing. They have learned how to generate ideas, write flash drafts, examine their writing and look for subtopics or to consider angles of these subtopics. This week we have been focusing on organizing information in various structures such as: boxes and bullets, pros and cons, causes and effects such as if/then and problem and solution.