Our next units in literacy will be reading non-fiction/expository texts and writing informational texts. To support your child with our writing unit, please brainstorm with them a potential topic of interest. This particular topic should be something your child has a passion for or has a working knowledge on. Listed below are some suggestions that may spark an idea:- Extra-curricular activity they are involved in
- Battling Pokemon cards
- Caring for a pet
- A sport they enjoy watching
- Strategies or moves for a specific position played in a sport (e.g., goalie, defence, midfielder, forward, shortstop, outfielder, etc...)
- Skills, techniques or moves for martial arts/ dance/ a sport
- How to play a particular video game
- A board game they love to play
- Something they collect (e.g., gemstones, trading cards, etc.)
- A historical event
- A leader, athlete, role model, historical figure they admire
In math, we will be wrapping up our unit on time and money. Over the unit, students further developed their understanding of reading and measuring time and counting money. Students conducted math investigations with their partner, counted money embedded in the real life context of determining how much money will be earned over time, participated in math congresses, conferred with a critical friend, and played games.
A study package will be coming home shortly to help prepare your child for their unit quiz on time and money. Please keep an eye out for it. Our next unit in math will be multiplication.
Visual Arts
In visual arts, students created nature mandalas using materials found in nature including elements of the 'Three Sisters' also known as the 'Three Sustainers'. This culminating task integrated our units of Early Communities in Canada in Social Studies and Eco-Art in visual arts.Science
In science we are wrapping up our unit on Strong and Stable Structures. Students have completed their preliminary sketches of a dream playground for Rick Hansen P.S. Next week will be a busy week as the grade 3s will be unleashing their creativity to bring these ideas to life! Below are some photographs documenting students investigating the existing structures at Ada Johnson park. The children examined the materials, the strength of the materials, and structural supports. They also reflected and discussed how they would improve the design to meet the needs of students at our school and causing minimal impact on the environment.