Monday, 25 November 2019

Mrs. Garlow's Classroom Blog

Social Studies

Students have been working hard at creating their dioramas for the past few weeks to display their inquiries and research of the diverse First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples who inhabited these lands from the beginning and whose presence still continues to this day.  

This week students will wrap up their research and present their work to the class.  Have a look below at some of the incredible research projects on the  various Indigenous communities that spans across Canada from coast to coast!

Swim to Survive

Just a friendly reminder that our class will starting the Swim to Survive program this Friday, November 29th.  If there are any parents who are available to assist our class, please let me know.  An updated police vulnerable screening check must be completed and submitted to our office.

Please ensure your child arrives to school on time as the bus will be leaving at 9:30 a.m.  It would be greatly appreciated if your child comes to school with their swimming suit on under their clothes.  Your child will need the following items:
  • underwear (for after swimming)
  • towel
  • goggles (optional)
  • flip-flops (optional)
  • a plastic bag to carry their wet towel and swimwear
Students will eat their snacks upon returning to school.  They are often very hungry after their swim sessions so packing additional or larger portions of snacks is recommended.