Monday, 13 May 2019

Mrs. Garlow's Classroom Blog


Here are some links to fun math games using technology to help your child develop their multiplication fluency skills.

We will continue our unit on multiplication.  Please continue to support your child in learning the times table up to 7 X 7 at home.


In science we are wrapping up our unit on Forces Causing Movement. Students have learned that a force is a push or a pull that causes an object to move. There are two basic types of forces that cause movement: direct forces (e.g., muscular, friction, etc.) and indirect forces (e.g., gravity, magnetic, etc.).  Students identified ways in which forces are used in our daily lives, investigated forces that cause an object to start moving, stop, or change direction and conducted experiments to determined the effects of increasing or decreasing the amount of force applied to an object.  The Grade 3s also assessed the effects of the action of forces in nature and on the natural and built environment and identified ways in which human activities can contribute or reduce this impact.  They will now apply all they have learned to design and build a device that uses a force(s) to create a controlled movement(s).  Creativity is strongly encouraged! 

To help support your child with their culminating activity, please collect recyclable goods, materials, or special supplies for their project.  Students will begin the planning stages in school and start their construction next week.

As we phase out of one unit, we will begin the next unit on Soil and Plants.  We will begin with a very cool experiment.  In order to do so, please have your child bring in a large glass jar with a lid.


EQAO assessment for Grade 3s begins next week on May 22nd.  The primary division (Grades 1-3) tests the reading, writing, and mathematics skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 3.  While we have been preparing for this assessment throughout the year (incorporating EQAO style questions in assessments, using some EQAO reading selections, and vocabulary), this week we will spend some time reviewing concepts taught this year while reinforcing the enduring understandings that have been covered since Grade 1.  In addition, students will also learn some strategies and tips for writing tests.  These strategies and tips are not solely for EQAO tests but for any kind of test.  Some practise questions can be found here or by selecting the EQAO tab.

Jump Rope 

Jump Rope for Heart is a fundraiser which Rick Hansen P.S. has supported since it opened.  Last week, we attended the kick-off assembly led by a representative from Jump Rope for Heart.  We learned why having a healthy heart is important and how to keep our hearts healthy.  We also learned how this charity supports individuals and families in need.  Students brought home pledge forms last week.  Any student who raises at least $25 will receive a prize.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  Our goal this year is to raise $3000.  The scheduled date for Jump Rope for Heart is June 12th.

Clothing Drive

Our Grade 8 students are still collecting gently used clothing and shoes for their clothing drive until this Friday, May 17th.  Please send in any unwanted clothing and shoes to the school.

Garden Party

Our school has a community garden.  It is organized and looked after by our school's Gardening Club and by members of our school community.  The fruits and vegetables that grow in the garden are available for anyone to harvest and enjoy.  Our annual Family Planting Party will take place on Thursday, May 30th from 5:45 - 7:00 pm.  This event will take place rain or shine!  In addition to planting in our garden, there will be kids' activities and snacks, and a parent garden workshops run by Evergreen.  Please come and join us for some gardening fun!  Rick Hansen families may also sign up for summer watering.