Thursday, 10 January 2019

Mrs. Garlow's Classroom Blog


A math package went home today outlining some of the concepts that was covered in-class as well as a few problem solving questions.  Please make sure to go over the feedback with your child and return the signed package.

We have also begun our unit in geometry and have looked at the relationships between different types of quadrilaterals (a polygon with four sides and four vertices), identifying congruent two-dimensional shapes by manipulating and matching concrete materials, and complete and describe designs and pictures of images that have a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line of symmetry.  Here's a few pictures capturing students' learning.

Winter Electives

Yesterday was a fun day had by all at the ROC!  Our next winter elective day is on January 24th.  If you're interested in volunteering your time with tying up laces or helping the children learn to skate, please let me know.