Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Mrs. Garlow's Classroom Blog

Word Study

Our word study started this week. Each week students will learn new words from the program Words Their Way. Words Their Way is a hands-on word sorting approach to word study for phonics and vocabulary.  The sort invites students to group words or pictures representing specific sounds into categories and guided by the teacher.  We will be studying multi-syllabic words beginning with consonant doubling, plural endings and basic prefixes and suffixes. Students will bring their word study books home with a list of the new words on Monday. There is a different activity to complete each night of the week. The homework is due on Friday.

Terry Fox

Tomorrow is our Terry Fox walk. Please bring in a toonie. We will commence our walk around the track starting at 9:30 a.m. If you are able to come out and encourage the students by cheering them on or by joining us, please do! 

Meet the Teacher Night

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Meet the Teacher Night. The first session will begin at 6:30 - 6:50 p.m. and the second session is from 7:00 - 7:20 p.m. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Mrs. Garlow's Classroom Blog

Thank you 

A BIG thank you for completing the start up forms, parent questionnaire, consent forms and for providing agenda money. I was impressed by how quickly these items were sent in!

Identity: Who am I?

During the first couple of months at school, we will spend some time examining, learning and reflecting on our identities. Students have researched the history of their name, researched their family's journey to Canada, and mapped out their hearts using visual representations and words to reveal their stories, experiences, people they love, who they are and what they care about. This big idea of identity will be weaved into our units for literacy, social studies, and visual arts. 

Difference Makers

We spent time this week reading books and learning about difference makers and how we can 'become the change we want to see in the world.' Children learned that big or small, we all have the ability to make a positive change. Students also learned about other children like themselves, who are making an impact in our world and fighting for causes they feel passionately about. Some of the causes these young activists are championing include rescuing endangered animals, raising environmental concerns, finding a cure for Leukaemia, providing women and girls access to education, building wind turbines, building soccer fields in regions where children have experienced conflict or trauma, and providing socks to the homeless.

Classroom Promise

The students in room # 313 have also co-created our Classroom Promise. This promise is an agreement which everyone believes is vital in our classroom community.  Students have also chosen classroom responsibilities for the month.


This week students spent time working on generating lists for topics to write about and building their stamina for writing. The heart maps they created is also a visual tool for writing. We will continue to practise generating ideas for writing and developing their writing fluency. In reading, students have been doing a great job on building their stamina and demonstrating read-to-self behaviours. Most students have also identified areas they need to work on and set reading goals. Grade 3 students should be reading a minimum of least 20 minutes each night. 


In math we have begun our first unit in number sense by learning to count up to 1000 in the context of taking inventory of math manipulatives in our classroom and tracking it. Students quickly realized that making groups of landmark numbers (e.g., fives, tens, hundreds) and skip counting is easier than counting one by one. The grade threes will also be learning to represent amounts and examining the place value patterns in our number system.


In science, we have begun our unit on Strong and Stable Structures. Students have shared what they know in knowledge building circles. They also asked various questions that will guide their inquiries later on. Coincidentally, one of the students brought a wasp nest he found for all of us to investigate! This prompted further discussion into whether the hive nest was a structure or not.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Homework/Agenda Items

1. Most students have their agendas by now. If you have not already done so, please have your child bring in $5. Your child will be using their agendas on a daily basis to record homework, important events, and activities. The agendas also help with developing organizational skills and responsibility.

2. We are about to start our first unit in science on Strong and Stable Structures and will need a variety of items to help us with in-class experiments and projects. Kindly send in empty paper towel rolls, empty wrapping paper rolls, cardboard boxes, masking tape and some duct tape if possible.

3. Reading logs have been sent home. Students should be reading at least 20 minutes each evening and recording this in their chart. Reading logs need to come back to school every day as students will also record their reading during school hours. As the grade threes continue to record the information, they will be analyzing the data they have collected.

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • September 27th - Terry Fox Run, Meet the Teacher Night

Friday, 7 September 2018

Welcome to Mrs. Garlow's Grade 3 Class!


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for visiting our class blog. Please check back often as our learning journey this year will be captured here. This blog is my main communication tool with families. 

Please add the web address above to your favourites/bookmarks and check in on a daily basis. You can also subscribe to this site by entering your email address in the field provided on the right, and you will get an automatic email once a day listing newly posted items. It is important to know that this blog can also be translated to your preferred language. This option in on the right side of this page. 

Our journey has begun and I look forward to working with all of you this year!


Mrs. Garlow