1. Read 30 minutes.
2. Bring some plastic or reusable bag to take home belongings.
Classroom End of Year Picnic
We will be celebrating the end of the school year on Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 with a picnic outdoors (weather permitting). If it rains on Tuesday, we will move our picnic to Wednesday. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle and is dressed appropriately.
Visual Arts
Students have co-created a class installation that combines visual arts and music. the purpose of their work was to provide viewers with an opportunity to participate in the unfolding of contemporary culture and spark conversations about space and living in a world that is not delineated by countries with borders, language, faith or race but as 7.6 billion individuals who connect and co-exist on one single finite planet.
The grade 3s problem solved, communicated and analyzed their purposeful journey through the creative process. They came to the understanding that while each one of us are unique and different, we are more similar than we are different. We are all interconnected and on this journey in life trying to find our space and a sense of belonging. Here's a snapshot of our installation that took two days to create. We invited other classrooms to visit and to experience and navigate through our space.
While the Grade 3 math curriculum has already been taught, we have been going deeper into the content and exploring mathematical concepts through games, problems and opportunities to investigate.