2. Return signed portfolio.
3. Collect soil over the weekend and bring it to class on Tuesday.
4. Cursive writing letters 'H' and 'I' due Tuesday.
5. Palooza gift basket donation.
Some of the learning from this past week:
In math, students have been exploring Cuisenaire rods to explore the unit of length compared to the whole length in our unit in fractions. With length models, lengths or linear measurements are compared instead of areas.Science
In science, students have been busy engineers! They have been designing, constructing and testing out their bridges to see if it will withstand some of the forces found in nature such as strong winds. After testing the impact of the force on their structures (using a strong fan), students made observational notes, adjusted their design, and tested it again.
Outdoor Story Walk
Students also had an opportunity to get outside and do a story walk. A great way to read, enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise at the same time!