- Read 20 minutes.
- Math test on Thursday.
- Return signed portfolio.
- Jersey Day on Wednesday.
For the past couple of weeks students have been learning about measuring temperature and length. There will be a very short measurement test on Thursday, February 1st. A study guide and practise sample questions will be coming home with them today.
Here are the learning goals for measuring length by grade:
Grade 3
- I can estimate and measure length using standard units (mm, cm, m)
- I can choose an appropriate unit for measuring different lengths, heights, and distances (mm, cm, m, km)
- I can compare lengths within a problem context Pool A is 6 m long, Pool B is 700 cm long, which pool is longer?
- I can estimate, read and record temperatures to the nearest degreed Celsius
- I can identify benchmarks for freezing, cold, cool, warm, hot, and boiling temperatures